Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Brainstorming tip

DO U WANT TO CHANGE SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF? When I'm at work, I think of ways I could improve myself to so I can become more marketable. I keep a notebook on my desk and I jot down things throughout the day. During lunch, I read my list and decide what action I could take. As you all know, I AM A RISK TAKER...I believe that with every FAILURE, I get closer to my goal!!My point is for you to BRAINSTORM!!! Write down things you like to achieve, or ways to improve yourself. When you see it on paper, it motivates you to DO. DON'T BE AFRAID TO TRY SOMETHING NEW...U may discover hidden talents that have been dormant because you didn't give it air to breathe...IF U HAVE A LIL FAITH WITH EACH STEP U TAKE, U WILL SOON BE STEPPING INTO YOUR GREATNESS!!!!

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