Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation...

       You can easily judge a person's character by how they treat people. Your character always secures your reputation. For example, most people lose respect and support when they are not genuine and become that "I'll act like I care, support you, and treat you good as long as it's benefiting me!" type of person. No matter how much you try to form that "genuinely good" reputation, your true character will eventually show and hurt you in the long run and can ruin your reputation with those who you have gained support from or have built any type of relationship with.

      Reputations are built over time and can take years to secure, but are painfully easy to taint. To have a good reputation is obviously desirable; it gets you friends, support, romances, and jobs. It sets you apart as trustworthy. Your reputation is what lingers once you’ve left a room (hopefully not in the form of an odor, but atmosphere)LOL! j/k

    Reputations are unavoidable and inevitable. If you are consistently late, negative, disloyal, or  rude, you will be known amongst friends/family for being this way. If you regularly prove yourself as reliable, positive, genuine, and nice, people will appreciate that in you and probably discuss that amongst each other. People are watching us, taking notes, and forming opinions in their head DAILY regarding what type of person you really are, rather you realize it or not. For example: If someone cancels on me every time we make plans, I don’t hold their word for much when they say “lets meet up!” or if your portray yourself to be such a positive and inspirational person but are constantly battling others publicly and/or posting negative subliminal messages toward others on networking sites, which causes a conflict with who you say you are and the image that you are putting out, then 9 times out of 10, that is your true character!

I’ve always been protective of my reputation, which essentially means that I care how people view me and  think of me. I also care about how I’m seen in social settings and what people know about my faults, which is never beneficial. We will never please everyone, and sometimes people will form opinions of us regardless of our behavior, but that's just life!

I often see posts that say "I could care less what people think about me!" or something similar,  and some people just really don't care! But my advice would be; "Never allow what others think of you to dictate your future or emotions, but if you are a business man/woman or striving to be, a public figure, or anyone that someone looks up to, YOU SHOULD be concerned with your character(How others view you) because it can definitely make you or break you! Nobody is perfect by any means but being genuinely nice, supportive, and positive is a choice that can be made by anyone. I have cancelled many relationships(business/personal), as well as ended support of individuals who's character just did not add up to whom they claim to be!"

Remember: By paying attention to your character and how you treat everyone you meet, especially those you cannot do anything for you,  you will also gain a good reputation which will gain you better opportunities, relationships, fans, and support.

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
John Wooden

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment! Have a Blessed and Productive Tuesday!