Monday, September 24, 2012

7 Reasons Why Most People Give Up on Their Dreams

Are you going after your dreams and aspirations in life? This article is designed to help you understand why most people fail to pursue their dreams and how you can avoid these pitfalls. Please check out this article by Matthew Coast!!!-->

Monday, September 10, 2012

The first step to SUCCESS is getting out of your own way!

How to Get Out of Your Own Way
by Jim M. Allen

1. Face Facts: YOU may just be the bump in the road that's slowing you down. Often the most difficult step in getting out of one's own way is recognizing that you are indeed, in it. When you encounter problems in achieving your goals, carefully consider whether or not you are the source of those problems. 2. You can do anything you want. However, you may not be able to do everything you want. Most of the time we get in our own ways by trying to do too much all at once. By working hard at trying to do everything we end up accomplishing very little. Concentrating on one or two projects at a time will actually increase your chances getting what you want. 3. To get a clear picture, you've got to focus. Once you know which project(s) you will tackle, you must focus on what it will take to really do those projects. Create step-by-step plans for what you will do and when you will do them. 4. If it's on paper, it's a plan. If it's in your head, it's a dream. Many are reluctant to actually put their plans down on paper. Putting plans to paper is the first physical step to take towards achieving one's desires. Without a written plan most people will start a project but soon be distracted by the many little things that pop up. 5. Just because you're moving doesn't mean you're getting ahead. A sure sign of a person getting in their own way is when they are working very hard, but not getting any closer to achieving their goals. (This is also one of the most frequent effects of not having a written plan.) To move forward you must take the proper actions at the proper times. 6. Not choosing IS choosing. Another roadblock we create is by over-thinking our options to the point of inactivity. "I could do A, B, or C" we tell ourselves. "I better think about it." Then we proceed to ponder.... but we never actually decide. What we're really doing, though, is deciding to do nothing. But guess what? If you do nothing, you get nothing. 7. Concentrate on what will work. Some people are very good at finding all of the reasons why something won't work. So good that they talk themselves out of even trying. Don't compound potential negatives, compound the positives and concentrate on why things will work for you! 8. If it's not working, STOP DOING IT! One definition of insanity reads: "Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result each time." I tend to think of that more as a definition of humanity. Whether caused by determination, pride, or mere stubbornness, many have trouble recognizing and admitting that things aren't working. If that's you, adopt a new motto: "Just don't do it!" When things stop working, stop doing them, readjust, and move on. 9. When you just don't know, get help. We can't know everything. We can't always solve everything. When that's the case, get help. There are businesses, counselors, consultants, and coaches who can work with you on almost any trouble spot you may encounter. Use them. 10. If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it. Working towards your goals may not always be easy. You may not have fun every moment as you wend your way but, overall, you should enjoy what you are doing because it's what you want to do. If that's not true then you definitely need to re-evaluate your goals or how you are pursuing them.

It's YOUR decision!!!

Decide to become a "no matter what" person. Decide that you will make your dream become a reality...NO MATTER WHAT! It doesn't matter if you run out of money, or if life catches you on the blind side. It doesn't matter if you experience disappointments, failures, or setbacks. You have what it takes to bounce back. Your gifts, talents, and abilities require that kind of resolve. The next moment can change your life...for good. Be open to that. Don't give up and make it happen...NO MATTER WHAT!!
Get busy in your own life...stop putting things off or worse...putting yourself in reverse gear with regards to your goals and dreams. You can't gain perspective on the road ahead if you're constantly looking behind you in the rear view mirror. Leave the the past. You can't change it anyways. Learn your lessons and keep moving.'s time to move on! Look up...look ahead...and GET BUSY!!
Do something about your life now. You know you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Don't just think about it, or look at it, and complain about it to whoever will listen. Stop conning yourself into being a volunteer victim, or telling the same old story. You are better than that. It's time to stand up for yourself and your dream. This is the one and only life that you have. Don't waste it watching someone's life - either on tv, in a movie, a series or reality show. Take your power back, and make a move. Live your life on your terms, and create something new in your life. You deserve it!